Wiley Union Church
Calendar & Activities
Ministries & Resources

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Where you will find people ... caring about people.

                        Welcome to our homepage! 

                   Be sure to check out our activities
calendar on the "Calendar & Activities" page, and free downloads
      for personal study on the " Ministries & Resources" page.

Wiley Union Church
2711 S. Wiley Road
Yakima, WA 98903
Office Hours:        Mon – Fri     9 am – 2 pm
(509) 965-2376   FAX (509) 972-8140
E-mail address:

Thank you for visiting our website.  As we continue to grow, we want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with our church and ministries. The emphasis of our site is on communicating information and events as they relate to our congregation and community. Check this site periodically for updates.

Please come and visit us, we look forward to meeting you!

                 OUR PASTOR

Terry E. Dinsmore Senior  Pastor                                                                
Wiley Union Church was organized and incorporated in 1935 under the direction of the American Missionary Fellowship.  It provided the light of the gospel in this community until it's doors were closed in the early 1980's.  In 1984, a small group of faithful people restored this ministry to our community.  Since then, by the grace of God, our church has been blessed abundantly.  For this we give Him all the glory!  Praise Him because He alone is worthy ... serve Him because He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I consider myself to be truly blessed to be Pastor of Wiley Union Church.                                                           

                 Our Sunday Church Services are as follows -
                                          Sunday School            9:00 am 
                                          Jr. Church                   10:15  am                                     
                                          Morning Worship    10:15  am 
                                          Evening Service          6:00 pm  

In brief, you should know the following about us:   

What we believe -
1.  That the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God.
2.  In one Triune God, eternally existing in three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
3.  That Jesus Christ (the second person of the Godhead) was born of a virgin,
     lived without sin, and died as a substitute for sinful man.
4.  That Jesus rose again from the dead, that He ascended into Heaven, and that His
     return is imminent.
5.  That salvation is provided as a free gift, and is received through faith in the finished
     work of Christ, apart from any human merit.
6.  That the Holy Spirit indwells everyone who is saved, empowering every born-again
     believer to live a victorious life over sin and to minister effectively in a local assembly.

Let us hear from you -
If you would like to contact us for more information about our church and it's ministries, please fill out the form below.